Measured Success


This case study is from Particle Measuring Systems a global manufacturing company with more than 450 employees and over 35 distributors located in Boulder, Colorado. Sales was being held accountable to generate sales from tradeshow participation or the show would get cut due to year over year trends bringing in low or no results. This case study will show the actual measured data from the results collected.




The Story of Particle Measuring Systems

Particle Measuring Systems is one of the world’s leading companies and manufacturers for particle counting instruments, and molecular and microbial monitoring. They lead this industry of cleanroom particle counters and contamination monitoring worldwide by actively developing instruments to perfection. They set standards for clean and controlled environments. Their footprint consists of more than 450 employees, over 35 distributors, and local sales and services in more than 50 countries. Their mission is to be the leader for particulate contamination monitoring by improving applications of superior technology, quality, and service.

The Challenge and Opportunity the Customer Faced

The challenges Particle Measuring faced are familiar and shared by many companies today. PMS had a small budget allocated for tradeshow marketing and participation. The number of leads decreased year over year; graphics were outdated and contained inaccurate messaging, and sales objectives were ill-defined.

Why Particle Measuring Chose Harrod Consulting

Particle Measuring chose Harrod Consulting because of their a ’la carte solutions approach and their expertise in show logistics.

How Harrod Consulting Responded

My solutions involved developing a tradeshow brief to layout a high-level map to help align with company goals and how we were going to achieve the main objective of lead generation. We first succeeded in initiating collaboration between the Sales Group & Marketing Department. We planned digital campaigns that included Email, social media, and blog posts along with a direct mail push. Finally, we reorganized the space layout for enhanced visitor engagement and updated the graphics to reflect accurate messaging.

The Results

The measured results showed a 6% lead generation increase from the previous year and $2M in closed sales directly related to show participation.  The Marketing department created post show reporting for continual improvements and the marketing budget was increased 50% for the following year.

Harrod Consulting acted as an extra voice to help align this goal and demonstrate to the Sales Group what a little updating, thoughtful and streamlined approaches could do to facilitate this opportunity. The entire campaign was toward a more focused targeted audience, timely logistics coordination, and booth staff buy-in that all contributed to the success.


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